

Stone machinery industry is undergoing rapid changes, technological innovation has prompted the stone industry reform

Stone carving machine in the stone production process requires a lot of stone machinery and tools which include stone engraving machine. In addition, there are related auxiliary processes around the stone production process. The machinery, spare parts, tools, auxiliary materials, and instruments used by them constitute all the machinery for the entire stone production process. There are many types and specifications of stone machinery, tools, and auxiliary materials in each stone production process. According to the stone production process, it can be divided and classified, and you can clearly understand the whole process of stone production. Which machinery should be used in which process link; which machinery in the production of which link.

Dividing the mechanical types according to the stone production process is also a convenient mode of modern management. Types of stone machinery according to the various stone production process division and examples of decorative stone production processes required for example, machinery and equipment exploration and mine design stage geological drilling rig, drilling rig, radioactive detectors, sample analyzers, cracking stone and other stone mining stage drilling machine, Diamond wire saws, mast cranes, rock saws, car cranes, excavators, chain pushers, air compressors, chain saws, etc. Stone processing stage sand saw, circular saw, frame saw, mill, special-shaped processing machine, Epoxy machine, plate processing line, synthetic stone assembly line, diamond tools and other stone decoration design CAD software, digital cameras, computers, scanners, Laser scribing and other stone decoration stage wall saws, cleaning machines, refurbished machines, chemical anchor bolts, dry pendants, line detectors and other stone testing stage presses, radioactivity detectors, calipers, steel ruler, wear-resistant instrument and other stone Maintenance and protection Stone retreading machine, cleaning machine, suction machine, gloss detection instrument and other stone comprehensive utilization of synthetic stone production line, filter, water purifier, stone punching machine, stone brick machine and other classification methods of stone machinery classification In addition to the types of machinery divided by the production process, but also according to its processing technology division. Such as cutting machine, in the cutting of stone wool board, on-site decoration, testing will use a diamond segment block (or the whole edge) of the circular saw blade cutting machine; another example is the drilling machine, in the mine sampling, processing drilling, decoration, art When the product is engraved, various types of different drilling rigs are also used. There are also classified by the use of materials, such as the use of diamond, cubic boron nitride abrasive materials such as the production of stone processing tools are collectively referred to as superhard material tools; the use of stone scrap material synthesis equipment called superhard material tools; the use of stone scrap materials production Synthetic stone equipment is called synthetic stone production line. Stone machinery is also undergoing rapid changes like machinery in other industries. Today, stone machinery has made more progress in many types than ever before: Stone saws that process granite have been developed to be processed. Width, at the same time clamping four standard blocks, with 230 saw blades, 24h can be processed 3500m2 efficiency models; granite mining wire sawing machines and diamond bead rope technology has matured, began to enter the mine in bulk; special-shaped stone processing equipment The development of diversified and multi-models; the promotion of stone processing centers with multiple tools provides a means for product innovation; the introduction and application of stone CAD design software provides a rich and varied form for stone decoration. And the pattern; stone ultra-thin, large equipment has also been developed, so that the new product specifications are more suitable for decoration requirements; new, convenient stone decoration and decoration machinery, tools are more widely used in the decoration site; stone cleaning, The protection and bonding machinery has become a new application field for stone chemistry; artificial synthetic stone production equipment has achieved localization and promoted Source use, also contributed to the development of the field of artificial synthetic stone. In the stone production process, a large number of stone machines and tools are required, among them stone engraving machines. In addition, there are related auxiliary processes around the stone production process. The machinery, spare parts, tools, auxiliary materials, and instruments used by them constitute all the machinery for the entire stone production process.